

13 Mar 2025


13 March 2025 8:55am

Cryo-EM Symposium at the Szentágothai Research Center on January 30th


The Szentágothai Research Center of the University of Pécs is organizing the first Cryo-Electron Microscopy Symposium on January 30, 2025. The main goal of the scientific meeting is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among future users of the instrument and to discuss problems and possible solutions related to the field.

Location: University of Pécs, Szentágothai Research Center, Pécs, Ifjúság útja 20, room B002
Participation is free, but registration is required.
Application deadline: January 26, 2025.


10:00: Welcome address: Boldizsár Czéh Prof. president, Szentágothai Research Centre, University of Pécs, Hungary; Gábor L. Kovács Prof. scientific director, Szentágothai Research Centre, University of Pécs, Hungary

10:15: Using Cryo-EM for structure elucidation of globular proteins, filaments, and amyloid. András Perczel Prof. Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary

10:40: Efficient Sampling with Fast Low Dose Imaging for Cryo Volume Electron Microscopy. Roland Fleck Prof. King’s College, London, United Kingdom

11:05: Structural analysis of bacterial hook and on the fly image processing. Péter Horváth Dr. University of British Columbia, Canada

11:30: Cryo-electron microscopy in reproductive research. Katalin Gombos Dr. University of Pécs, Hungary

12:00-12:30: Role of cryo-EM at a pharma company. István Greiner Dr. Gedeon Richter Plc., Hungary

12:30-13:20: Lunch Break (in the breakout area)

13:20: Projects for cryo-EM and cryo-ET at the Institute for Molecular Life Sciences. Beáta Vértessy Prof. Research Centre of Natural Sciences, HUN-REN, Hungary

13:45: Cryo-EM structures in drug design. György Keserű Prof. Research Centre of Natural Sciences, HUN-REN, Hungary

14:10: Structures of an ion channel elucidated by cryo-EM. Bianka Kőhegyi, University of Pécs, Hungary

14:35: Ion channel structure-function and pharmacology: a wish-list for cryo-EM. Tibor G. Szántó Dr. University of Debrecen, Hungary

15:00: There is plenty of room at the depth of the striated muscle - deciphering the role of titin in muscle structure and function. Balázs Kiss Dr. Semmelweis University, Hungary

15:25: Closing Remarks Boldizsár Czéh Prof. / Gábor L. Kovács Prof. University of Pécs, Hungary